Monday, December 16, 2019

Setting Sail SLJ W1 D1 A1

SLJ W1 D1 A1

Activity 1: Setting Sail

If I had to go on a three week voyage the food I would take, and why I would take would be…1. Bread because it is healthy and it is light.

2.The next thing I would take is lots and lots of water so I could keep hydrated.

3. Rice maybe if their is a fire so I could cook it on the fire propably not though.

4.The next thing I would take are nuts because it has a lot of fibre and protein.

5. I also would take Fruit because fruit is very good for you and there is protein but the other down side would be the fruit may rot.

6. Next I would take Cereal because Cereal id very good for you.

7. Maybe Juice to treat myself on the trip.

8. Vegetables to keep healthy and keep my nutrients up.

9. Pasta if their is a fire.

10. Dried fruit because it is light and healthy.
I might miss my family so I could take a photo of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Autumn

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey. My name is Allie and I am part of the team that will be reading your blog over the summer.
    You have put together a really great list of items you would take with you on your voyage. You have completed the activity perfectly, giving us a reason why you have taken each one, so well done.

    I think it is really nice that you would take a photo of your family too. I am sure they would miss you too.

    It is great that you have included water on you list. You would definitely need lots of water to drink and to cook with maybe.

    Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading your blog over the summer.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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